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Equine Welfare is at the heart of the Whispering Horse project.
Having worked with and studied domesticated and free roaming horses, both through my own pursuits and with renowned natural horse trainers and natural horse advocates over the last 20 plus years, I have come to my own understanding of the art of "horse whispering". And that is to say that it is the language of quantum love, of balance, and a need to feel safe at a depth we rarely afford even ourselves.
I believe this is a language humans can learn, and benefit from.
However developing the ability to truly listen to those whispers requires many human agendas to be dropped. Agendas such as time, desirable and undesirable behaviours, expectation linked to financial investment. These thoughts are purely human and form no part of a horse's world.
Horses are however team players who seek acceptance, peace and safety.
There is much we can do to assure them of this, but it takes a willingness to learn their language, and an openness to unlearn some of ours.
If you would like to connect more with your horse in a way that deepens your bond I offer both in person and remote solutions.
Click here for the 6 week online courses.
Click here for Animal Communication.