Dr. Lisa Rankin
Put simply we are not designed to live in a state of perpetual stress. In fact we evolved to live on the ground like all other mammals, to sleep literally on the ground, to be in touch with the Earth. Yet we live insulated from it.
With our rubber soled shoes, rubber tyred cars, insulated elevated artificial floors, constant exposure to artificial lighting, electrical circuitry and the demands of others also in a state of stress these forces coalesce to create an environment where we have little chance to energetically discharge and so chances are higher for taking it out on each other!
When unable to "ground" positive ions build in the body, and this we experience as energetic stress.
The simple act of standing barefoot on the earth wont only up your hippy credentials but it also helps combat inflammation in the body, sooth aches and pains, regulate heart rhythms, improves your sleep and rejuvenates and calms the mind!
5-30 mins a day is all you need to start feeling the benefits.
It is measurable, well documented, its totally harmless and best of all its FREE and you can try it NOW!
Along with the need for an electrically neutral body we also require a our bodies to be pH neutral for optimum function of all systems.
Blood pH is extremely sensitive to pH fluctuations with a tolerance of just 0.1 from the desired pH of between 7.35 and 7.45.
Too much acid and we experience acidosis, too alkaline, or bass and we experience alkalosis.
Emotional stress, an imbalanced diet and the usual host of "things that are bad for your health" all contribute to disruption of this finely tuned and essential balance.
An imbalance places extra stress on the kidneys that seek to maintain balance through filtering and excreting excess pH through our urine.
If you are feeling out of sorts consider testing yourself at home with litmus paper.
Its simple to do, costs just pence and will reveal whenever you are out of balance.
Becoming aware of and maintaining this balance through an alkaline based diet and avoiding stress can have a profound effect on general wellbeing and benefit many systems in the body.
Thus improving life quality, a sense of wellbeing and general overall health.
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